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Funded Course Application Form

Welcome to your course application form.

Level 3 Leadership and Management Skills Bootcamp

Skills Bootcamps are funded by the governments Department for Education.

In order to be eligible for funding for a Skills Bootcamp you must meet certain criteria.

What you will need:

You will need an in date form of Identification and your National Insurance Number.

Any of the ID documents listed below are acceptable.

  • Driving Licence
  • Passport
  • Birth Certificate

You may also need the following documents:

If your name on your ID is different from the name and/or surname on the one in your application, we will need further evidence to support this. For example, a copy of your marriage certificate or deed poll.

Please only upload ID and any other documentation when you are ready to SEND APPLICATION at the end of this form. Any documents uploaded will not be saved until the form is ready to be submitted.

Only complete your electronic signature when you are ready to SEND APPLICATION at the end of this form. Any signatures will not be saved until the form is ready to be submitted.

What you need for this section:

All form fields are mandatory unless otherwise stated. Your place of residence is used to determine the funding you can receive. Please read the eligibility criteria carefully.

Please note: to be eligible for funding you must tick to confirm you meet the following criteria:

Please Note:

  • As part of this qualification, you must demonstrate your competency and understanding in counselling skills within unit 4. This can be demonstrated by carrying out a short helping session with a “client” over the age of 18, either in a real or simulated scenario using a role play.
  • You will either need to film yourself demonstrating these skills with a “client” and upload this to your unit 4 assessment (a 5-10 minute video)
  • or
  • be observed by a qualified and competent witness who will complete a witness statement for your unit 4 assessment.
  • An appropriate witness is classed as someone who is not completing this course at the same time, is not the “client” and holds a relevant qualification related to counselling or has experience in counselling skills. The Skills Network may contact the witness to validate their competencies.

Please Note:

To complete this course, you will need to be observed by a witness completing specific cleaning skills as part of Unit 6. You will either need to be in a workplace where a manager or supervisor could be your witness, or if you are not currently in employment, you will need to have access to an appropriate witness who can observe you completing cleaning skills.

Witness Option Error: Selecting an option is required.
Do you want to help The Skills Network reduce our carbon footprint and use electronic learning materials to complete your course? Error: Selecting an option is required.

The Skills Network will donate £1 to The National Trust for every learner who selects to use electronic learning materials.

Help save the environment today!

What you need for this section:

All form fields are mandatory unless otherwise stated. Your email address and phone number are what we will use to contact you about your course, please make sure these are correct.

Legal Sex Error: Selecting an option is required.
Is your gender different from the sex you were assigned to at birth? Error: Selecting an option is required.
Date of Birth Error: These fields are required and must represent a valid date.



As part of the eligibility check for funding, we are required to check the Learner Records Service (LRS) site to confirm your Unique Learning Number (ULN).

The LRS is a government site that all schools, colleges and training providers record learning and confirmation of achievement/results. The LRS Privacy Notice can be viewed at

To enable us to accurately confirm your ULN number, if you have one, it would be useful if you could provide us with any previous addresses you have lived at when you have completed any learning at school, college or other training provider.

Please record these in the boxes below (up to 3 previous addresses can be input):


What you need for this section:

All form fields are mandatory unless otherwise stated. Where applicable, providing proof of your residency status is a mandatory requirement in order to access funding.

Date of Entry into the UK Error: These fields are required and must represent a valid date.



Do you have EU Settlement Status? Error: Selecting an option is required.

Please provide your Share Code to prove your Right to Live in the UK. You can obtain your share code by visiting
NB: Please select the option “Something else” to obtain your share code for Right to live.

NB: Learners who live in the Greater London Area (GLA) must have permission to live in the UK for at least 12 months from the first day of learning.

This will begin with the letter S

Were you born outside of the UK/EU/EEA? Error: Selecting an option is required.
Have you been a resident in the UK, EU, EEA for the last three years? Error: Selecting an option is required.
Date of Entry into the UK/EU/EEA Error: These fields are required and must represent a valid date.



Please note: If you are currently on a Student Visa, you will not be eligible for this funding. Please do not proceed with your application.

Proof of residency status covering the last 3 years is required. Providing proof of your residency status is a mandatory requirement in order to access funding. If this is not provided you will be deemed ineligible for funding and not be permitted to access your chosen course.

When uploading your ID, please ensure you upload evidence confirming your residency status in the UK

NB: Learners who live in the Greater London Area (GLA) must have permission to live in the UK for at least 12 months from the first day of learning.

Immigration Status expiry date (optional) Error: These fields are required and must represent a valid date.



Are you in or have you recently left care? Error: Selecting an option is required.
Do you have any unspent criminal convictions or cautions, except for minor motoring offences, in accordance with the Rehabilitation Act 1974? Error: Selecting an option is required. Note: If you have answered yes, we may contact you to obtain some additional information at the request of a funding partner
Do you consider yourself to have a disability, health problem or learning difficulty? Error: Selecting an option is required.
Disability, Health Problem or Learning Difficulty (optional)
Do you have an education and health care plan (EHCP)? (optional)
Do you require any additional support with your studies? Error: Selecting an option is required.

What you need for this section:

All form fields are mandatory unless otherwise stated. If you are in full time education or receiving funding for another course, it is unlikely that additional funding for this programme will be available.

Please remember to include subject title
Are you currently in full time education or currently studying a funded course elsewhere? If you are in full time education or receiving funding for another course, it is unlikely that additional funding for this programme will be available. Examples of full time education include: Apprenticeship, BTEC national diploma, Access to HE. Examples of other funded courses include: Part-time courses where you are receiving funding through a college or training provider. Error: Selecting an option is required.
Course Start Date Error: These fields are required and must represent a valid date.


Expected date to finish the course Error: These fields are required and must represent a valid date.


Date Status Started Error: These fields are required and must represent a valid date.



Please read this question carefully. Additional government funding is available to support the provision of qualifications to people who are in work but are earning below these amounts.

Do any of the below scenarios apply to you:

  • Do you earn below £25,000 gross annual salary?
  • Do you live in the Greater London Authority Area and earn below £25,642.50 gross annual salary?
  • Do you live in the Cambridge and Peterborough Combined Authority area and earn below £30,491 gross annual salary?
Error: Selecting an option is required.

Additional government funding is available to support the provision of qualifications to people who are in work but are earning below these amount.

Acceptable documents for Employed learners include:

  • Payslip within the last 3 months or contract with employer stating your income.

Acceptable documents for Self Employed learners include:

  • Most recent self-assessment tax return summary confirming your total earned income or
  • If you are also in receipt of Universal Credit, a screenshot of your online account payment showing your name/address/amount received and any deductions from self-employment dated within the last 3 months.

Additional government funding is available to support the provision of qualifications to people who are on particular benefits.
Acceptable documents include: Benefits letter or bank statement showing credit and benefit type.

File size must be less than 10MB
File size must be less than 10MB

What you need for this section:

This section is optional. Should you deem it necessary to provide an emergency contact please fill out this section.

Postcode not found - please try again

If you are having issues, please manually enter your details below.

What you need for this section:

All form fields are mandatory unless otherwise stated. Providing proof of your identity is a mandatory requirement in order to access funding. If your name on your ID is different from that on this application form please upload further evidence to support this.

Preferred Contact Method This is the preferred method as to how we will contact you throughout your learning journey. Error: Selecting an option is required.

Providing proof of your identity is a mandatory requirement in order to access funding. If this is not provided you will be deemed ineligible for funding and not permitted to access your chosen course.

If your name on your ID is different from that on this application form please upload further evidence to support this. For example, a copy of your marriage certificate or deed poll.
File size must be less than 10MB
File size must be less than 10MB

Please read our Data Privacy Notice before signing your application.

Please read our Learner Privacy Notice before signing your application.

Please read our Terms and Conditions before signing your application.

Please provide your full name below:
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